



Added by Swag Master about 9 years ago

Hey guys. I've recently been adding winamp skins (classic ones, usually .wsz extension), and i noticed that most were not being loaded by audacious.
At first i thought it was a compatibility problem, but it turns out it would not load (some of) the skins which other audacious users had reported to be working.
I found out this:
just renaming the file "balance.bmp" (but could also be "Balance.bmp"), even to "bAlance.bmp" or "Balance.bmp" and then back to "balance.bmp"(for example if i want to restore original name), makes the theme start to work!!!

To sum it up: whenever i see a theme not working, i rename its balance.bmp file (by changing a letter to lowercase/uppercase) and it will start to work!!! I can even rename it back to the original name, and it will keep working nevertheless!

My specs:
Manjaro XFCE (Arch Linux base system) x64
Audacious and audacious-plugins (both flom testing branch of Manjaro (3.6.2-1), OR from AUR i also tried the very latest git version. same problem with skins occurred).

Replies (4)

RE: AWFUL WINAMP SKINS BUG - Added by Swag Master about 9 years ago

also, renaming the balance.bmp file of a working theme can result in the theme not working anymore...

RE: AWFUL WINAMP SKINS BUG - Added by Swag Master about 9 years ago

well shit it's not just about renaming balance.bmp, but any file. sometimes audacious does not recognize the skin, and renaming ANY file makes the snkin recognizeable i guess...

RE: AWFUL WINAMP SKINS BUG - Added by Swag Master about 9 years ago

Also, some skins at times are shown with big images in the menu (as it should be), and others with smaller ones. I don't get why. It appears that the trick of renaming one of the files can have effect on this behavious...

RE: AWFUL WINAMP SKINS BUG - Added by Swag Master about 9 years ago


Sorry guys, but somehow my archive manager or something must've been removing the Read permissions for the Others group.

Though perhaps a warning should be implemented because i had NO idea what was going on..
