


overdrive reproducing gain with setting 0,0 dB

Added by Stanislaw Schmidt about 7 years ago

I use Audacious as my primary player, under Ubuntu.
I use jack with floating point setting.
When playing MP3, FLAC, WAV, and playing CD, Calf JACK and Jkmeter display overdrive even though I have set playback gain to 0.0 dB. I do not want to use any limiter (option "prevent overdrive") so I set playback gain down to -7.5 dB.
It would be better if the reproduction gain were correct at 0.0 dB.

The variant with the option " Prevent clipping" does not make what it should
I also tried with the option " Prevent clipping" , got the same result with overdriving the signal
I turned on "prevent clipping", Look at my attachment file Wiedergabeverstärkung.png.