Edit Lyrics ... with my LyricsGenius script
Added by Pieter Kroon about 2 years ago
I want to change the command on choosing Edit Lyrics ... on the Lyrics window from opening the default browser on url like https://lyrics.fandom.com/index.php?action=edit&title=Neil_Young:The_Great_Divide
lyrics.fandom.com is closed and LyricsGenius is absolutely excellent
how and where do I change that command to
$ python3 /home/kroon/lyrics.py "Neil Young" "The Great Devide" "/media/local/TUNES/Neil Young/Silver & Gold/The Great Divide.mp3"
lyrics.py writes the found lyric to a flat text.lrc file with the same file path as the mp3, so it will show in Audaciuos Lyrics window.