


Media keys for Linux but not Windows?

Added by Domarius Forge about 2 years ago

My media keys for Play/Pause, Next, Prev, work in Linux but not in Windows. Just for Audacious though, my media keys work fine for all apps in both platforms (that have support for media keys).

I've even spent the last few hours trying to force support for media keys on Audacious in Windows by using AutoHotKey, but mysteriously, it won't seem to work. Audacious shortcut for Play/Pause is CTRL+, but nothing happens. It's frustrating because I can confirm this key combo can be sent - I send it to Sublime Text where that key combo also happens to select all text, and it works. I can also send individual key presses to Audacious - seems that just pressing ENTER will play the song, and I can use AutoHotKey to do this. It's just that CTRL+, which doesn't seem to work. Also the shortcuts for next and prev, ALT+UP and ALT+DOWN don't work either, it behaves as if it only got the UP/DOWN key press, moving the playlist up and down. But the shortcuts do work in Audacious if I switch to the window and manually press those keys.

Here's the AHK script for anyone who might be able to help.

    if not WinExist("ahk_exe audacious.exe")
    ControlSend "^," 