Updating the 2sf plugin
Added by Coda Highland about 4 years ago
I'm the new maintainer of the 2sf player core used by the Foobar2000 plugin. I've already contributed to the Winamp plugin, and I'd like to contribute my updates to Audacious as well.
I'm happy to put together a PR with my work, but if there's an active maintainer for the Audacious 2sf plugin I'd be interested in touching base and comparing notes since I don't have a lot of experience on the plugin side of things. If there's not a current maintainer I'd be happy to take up that role.
Replies (3)
RE: Updating the 2sf plugin
Added by Coda Highland about 4 years ago
I've pushed a PR to Github.
There's also a test build for Ubuntu on my fork:
RE: Updating the 2sf plugin
Added by Coda Highland about 4 years ago
Oh, it seems I've unintentionally told a lie -- I haven't updated the Winamp 2sf plugin, only the ncsf plugin. I suppose that'll have to be next on my list.
RE: Updating the 2sf plugin
Added by S WTY almost 4 years ago
Thank you for looking after 2sf! I was looking at trying to get gsf (GBA) and usf (N64) working in Audacious, but the former does not even compile (looks like it was written for Audacious 3.x) and the latter compiles but is buggy. Do you have any interest in either of those formats?