


Feature #1130

folders for tabs in the playlist head (an enhancement suggestion, not a bug)

Added by --peter josv.a.i about 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
October 24, 2021
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:



I've been vacillating about making this suggestion, but after a test period*,
I can say, it makes sense :)

  • test period: I have 5 playlists (five folders) open among my tabs...
    and I named these like TR 1, TR 2 .. etc.. (TR is a short for the band's name),
    and I'm using a big enough monitor, but still, I'm always let down when I have to go over these tabs...
    why can't they be in one "folder"?

the way I imagine it is like "grouping tabs"...
and NOT like actual folders...
cause in the end, we need to see the songs in a playlist... continuously...

so, the grouping would mean that from among max 10 playlists we could select the "active one"...
and only that would be there among the tabs...
and something would indicate that it's not a simple tab but a group of tabs


when you're searching for music, according to your mood, the same band would fall in one "mood category", so to speak...
and skipping it as one tab could be a relief :)

searching for the right "next music", say, when you have a company over at your place,
would be breeze easy :) and you'd not get to hate your favorites because they are all over in the tabs' line :) :)

I'd love such a solution...
and I think it could make searching for the "next music" even easier :) :)

- - - thank you for developing audacity - - -

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