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- Registered on: May 04, 2014
- Last connection: August 13, 2014
August 13, 2014
- 14:12 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #442: Ubuntu 12.04 : some tags are ignored
- Hello,
I don't think the bug may be considered as solved - nor can it be closed.
After compiling 3.4.3 with the upd...
August 11, 2014
- 18:01 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #442: Ubuntu 12.04 : some tags are ignored
- Hello,
After some (heavy and deep) searches, I downloaded everything related to 3.5-1 and did as described there :
May 31, 2014
- 15:17 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #442: Ubuntu 12.04 : some tags are ignored
- Hello,
Maybe this question could seem stupid, but (as I'm new on Linux) where do I find the corrected plugin ?
May 06, 2014
- 09:36 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #442: Ubuntu 12.04 : some tags are ignored
- I just discovered that it isn't possible to update any of the fields from within Audacious.
I don't know whether it ...
May 04, 2014
- 23:10 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #442 (Closed): Ubuntu 12.04 : some tags are ignored
- Hello,
I recently installed audacious 3.4.3 as an alternative to foobar2000.
Unfortunately, some fields aren't eith...
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