


Cue sheet & music library plugin

Added by jc n over 12 years ago

Hi all,
This is my first message and I want to say thank you for this fine audio player.
I am in the process of ripping my CD collection and I chose to use a single flac file with a cue sheet file for each album. This is the best option I found to deal with pregap informations (for live records, classical music ...).

- Audacious works fine with cue sheets when dragging them to a playlist. But when I set a library folder containing sub folders with cue sheets, audacious does not display the different songs defined in the cue sheet but only a single entry for the audio file (in the library playlist). Am I doing something wrong or is it an actual limitation of the music library plugin ?

- Does audacious manage gapless playing ?


Replies (4)

RE: Cue sheet & music library plugin - Added by John Lindgren over 12 years ago

This has nothing to do with the music library plugin directly; it has to do with the algorithm used for scanning a folder for audio files. Technical explanation: only audio files (such as the .flac files) are added when scanning a folder; playlist files (such as the .cue files) are ignored. As a workaround, you can build the library playlist yourself by first clearing it and then running:

$ audacious -e `find -name \*.cue`

Yes, Audacious does gapless playback.

RE: Cue sheet & music library plugin - Added by jc n over 12 years ago

Thank you for your answer.

Would you accept a little change in the algorithm ? Like this : when a folder is scanned the cue files are are processed first to extract songs then the audio files are processed only if they do not belong to a cue file ? This way collections with cue files and audio files will be processed correctly. What do you think of this ?

RE: Cue sheet & music library plugin - Added by jc n over 12 years ago

Please let me know if you accept this feature. I think it would be really nice for people using cue files. Thanks !

RE: Cue sheet & music library plugin - Added by John Lindgren over 12 years ago

You can of course add a feature request on the bug tracker, but as you can see, there are currently far more features requested than developers with time to implement them.
