


Feature #173

libsidplayfp support

Added by Cristian Morales Vega over 12 years ago. Updated almost 12 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
September 03, 2012
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


Since both libsidplay1 and libsidplay2 have been long unmaintained it would be great if the SID plugin would support libsidplayfp ( You could actually remove the support for the old libraries.
It shouldn't be specially difficult. Other than minor things like the removing of the 8 bits output to only support 16 bits the API didn't change so much.

audacious-plugins-3.3.1-libsidplayfp.patch (17.9 KB) audacious-plugins-3.3.1-libsidplayfp.patch Cristian Morales Vega, September 05, 2012 01:52
0001-sid-Add-support-for-libsidplayfp.patch (23.2 KB) 0001-sid-Add-support-for-libsidplayfp.patch Add libsidplayfp-1.0.x support to the latest git master Hans de Goede, April 15, 2013 11:41


#1 Updated by Cristian Morales Vega over 12 years ago

The attached patch at least makes it compile with libsidplayfp, but the plugin doesn't work.
The first problem is that the plugin is linked incorrectly, using gcc (and trying to patch that fact with a -lstdc++ at the end). g++ should be used so options like "-Ur" are passed to ld.

#2 Updated by John Lindgren over 12 years ago

The linking problem is fixed in Git now.

#3 Updated by Michael Schwendt almost 12 years ago

Cristian, what's the status here?

#4 Updated by Cristian Morales Vega almost 12 years ago

Lack of time and other things getting in the middle mean I totally forgot about this. If you want to give it a try feel free of going for it.

#5 Updated by Michael Schwendt almost 12 years ago

The reason I ask is that the primary major SID file collection HVSC - - has moved on several years ago and dropped SID files old libsidplay1 supported.

So indeed, supporting libsidplay1 doesn't make much sense anymore, and it doesn't understand the PSID v2NG and RSID file formats either. With libsidplay2 it's a bit different, but libsidplayfp has been an active project and recently has released 1.0.0 and 1.0.1, which no longer include the legally troublesome Basic and Kernal ROM images.

#6 Updated by Hans de Goede almost 12 years ago

Hi all,

Since I was interested in getting audacious to support .sid files through libsidplayfp too, I've been spending this weekend on making this happen. Taking Cristian Morales Vega's patch as a starting point and going from there,

I had to do quite some work to get it to compile with libsidplayfp-1.0.x, and then some more work to make it actually work and feature complete.

The attached patch is against current audacious-plugins git master, and builds and works with libsidplayfp-1.0.x including proper songlength detection, etc.



#7 Updated by John Lindgren almost 12 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed
  • Target version set to 3.4
  • % Done changed from 0 to 100

Thanks for the work, everyone. I've applied this patch and cleaned up the SID plugin a lot. It requires libsidplayfd now since the number of #if's to be compatible with three different library variants is too much trouble to deal with.

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