Bug #179
Mixed Stereo/Mono OGG Streaming
Audacious play wrong when I try to heard this radio.
from : http://submix.pushnpop.net/
When I select mono stream from C64 tunes audacious goes wrong.
(VLC or Foobar2000(windows)play well)
#1 Updated by Michael Schwendt over 12 years ago
With "goes wrong" you likely refer to what's mentioned in the small print:
Please note: the OGG-Vorbis stream will switch between stereo and mono. It appeared many media-players do not support that and will crash or output crippled audio. If you're experiencing such problems with Sub-Mix, there's nothing I can do for you but only suggest you try using a proper media-player for your platform. (clear-text version: don't fucking bother me with your shitty software problems, thank you :)
#2 Updated by John Lindgren over 12 years ago
- Category set to plugins/vorbis
- Status changed from New to Closed
- Target version set to 3.3.3
- % Done changed from 0 to 100
- Affects version 3.3.2 added
Thank you for reporting this problem; it should be fixed now in Git.