


big thank you

Added by Manoa Nosea almost 10 years ago

hello, I am a new user of audacious, I discovered it a couple of days ago when I was searching for a player for my linux box since it recently became a audio box, I came here to say thanks to everyone for this great player, at first I tried version 1.5, which worked to some extent but lacked the ability to perform effects when 24 bit output was enabled, so for the last couple of days I compiled all of GTK3 from scratch on this box for audacious 3.5.2 and it was worth all the hard work, coming from XMMS I see many benefits, things that XMMS just can't do: such as multiple playlists, no resampling, 24-bit flac input, LADSPA, and the list goes on. and top it all off - it uses considerably less resources (despite my fears that GTK3 is a very bloated library) roughly half of what XMMS takes (8% CPU used with XMMS during playback while only 4% used with audacious 3.5.2).

I have nothing to say other than: you guys win 10,000 internets !!!!!!!!!!111111

Replies (2)

RE: big thank you - Added by Cokai Cokai almost 9 years ago

I am using Audacious for some years now. And i love it, too.
A big 'thank you' to all developers and bug reporters !
Your player has unique features like the compressor you can't find in other software like this.

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

RE: big thank you - Added by day last almost 9 years ago

Also a BIG THANKS first!!!

I've tried audacious years ago to replace the good old xmms, but i've found it very slow, fewer codecs than xmms and a very buggy & slow playlist. :-/ Yesterday i made a second try, and i'm so impressed still now. ;->

Keep up good work, folks!
