


Not Understanding User Interface

Added by Brian Fox over 9 years ago

With Audacious, I can view an artist and all of their albums, but I cannot select to play a particular album in the order of the track listings. I have been using Rhythmbox Music Player, and am used to seeing one column with the artists names, and other column with their albums, the latter of which, when clicked, shows the songs in order of their track listings. Is there a way to make Audacious behave like that? I really like the visualizations that come with Audacious, but the layout has me confused. I am using version 3.4.3 from the Ubuntu Software Center. Thanks.

39.png (445 KB) 39.png A screenshot of how it is organized.

Replies (3)

RE: Not Understanding User Interface - Added by John Lindgren over 9 years ago

If you type the name of an artist where it says "Search Library", you should see a list of albums by that artist in the search results below. Or you can just type the name of the album if you have a particular one in mind. Then double-clicking on an album will create a playlist from it.

RE: Not Understanding User Interface - Added by Brian Fox over 9 years ago

Yes, I have found that. It seems to be playing the songs in alphabetical order by filename, not by track number. Is there a way to have it recognize the track numbers, and for the playlist to play them in the correct order?

RE: Not Understanding User Interface - Added by John Lindgren over 9 years ago

Playlist -> Sort -> By Track Number.
