Playlists : encoding and absolute / relative paths
Added by The Mummy about 9 years ago
Hello to all.
I have started using Audacious about three months ago.
I hold a library of music files (mp3 / ogg / m4a / etc ..) organized in folders and sub-folders (basically, one folder for one album).
This library which is shared between several computers by means of cloud.
These computers don't all have the same operating system : either Linux (Xubuntu) or a dual-boot Windows 7 / Linux Mint. I also regularly copy selected folders onto my mobile phone (Android).
For years, I have been using this system and I am quite happy with it.
I store the playlists directly in the folders, in such a way that the playlist for one music album is stored in the folder of the album. This way, using a relative path, it does not matter whether I am under Linux or Windows since the playlist is simply the list of the files. Absolute paths would not work because of '\' instead of '/' but also because the root folder for storing the music is not the same under all the OS.
I have two problems when I am creating (exporting) a m3u playlist from Audacious :
- 1/ It systematically saves abolute paths
- 2/ It saves the paths using a URL-type encoding (i.e. : '%20' for a space ' ') ... and is not capable of opening the files because of that !
If I manually edit the playlist in order to delete all absolute paths (transofrming them into relative paths) and to replace all URL-type encoding by regular characters, the playlist works.
But obviously this is tedious and time-consuming.
Example : for the album I am listening right now, if I export the playlist and open it with a text editor, I get :
file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2001%20-%20Gila%20Copter.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2002%20-%20Creep.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2003%20-%20Mr.%20Lucky.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2004%20-%20Crackin%27%20Up.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2005%20-%20Sergio.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2006%20-%20Da%20Ya%20Think%20I%27m%20Sexy_.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2007%20-%20The%20Rockabye.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2008%20-%20Butcher%20Flower%27s%20Woman.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2009%20-%20Dirt.mp3 file:///media/DATA/Musica/musique%20normale/Ministry/REVOLTING%20COCKS/1993%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...And%20Other%20Barnyard%20Oddities/Revolting%20Cocks%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good%20...AOBO%20-%2010%20-%20Linger%20Ficken%27%20Good.mp3
While what I need is simply :
Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 01 - Gila Copter.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 02 - Creep.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 03 - Mr. Lucky.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 04 - Crackin' Up.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 05 - Sergio.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 06 - Da Ya Think I'm Sexy_.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 07 - The Rockabye.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 08 - Butcher Flower's Woman.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 09 - Dirt.mp3 Revolting Cocks - Linger Ficken' Good ...AOBO - 10 - Linger Ficken' Good.mp3
Replies (3)
RE: Playlists : encoding and absolute / relative paths
Added by The Mummy about 9 years ago
While looking at Audacious' settings, I have found the following parameter : in Playlist, there is "Fallback character encodings" with value ISO-8859-1 .
RE: Playlists : encoding and absolute / relative paths
Added by The Mummy almost 9 years ago
Is there a way to request this as a feature ?
RE: Playlists : encoding and absolute / relative paths
Added by Thomas Lange almost 9 years ago
Sure, create a feature request at
What version of Audacious do you use? Opening M3U playlists with encoded spaces works fine here.