


Drag & Drop from search into playlist would be fine

Added by Ali Baba about 9 years ago

i love audacious. It works fine with my 100.000 files, really.

But for rapid playlist editing i suggest to implement drag&drop from the output of the search to playlists.

Is it possible?

Replies (4)

RE: Drag & Drop from search into playlist would be fine - Added by Ali Baba over 8 years ago

Just for me to understand:

Is it difficult to make the items in result_list draggable?
Or maybe it's just that nobody got time to do it?

I was trying to get into coding but this is 10 levels over my skills.

Will somebody please give a try?

RE: Drag & Drop from search into playlist would be fine - Added by John Lindgren over 8 years ago

Audacious is maintained by volunteers. It's fine to request a feature once, but don't ask repeatedly.

RE: Drag & Drop from search into playlist would be fine - Added by Ali Baba over 8 years ago

of yourse, i didn't want to bother somebody.
I'm just interested in this project and wanted to know if it's difficult, time consuming or just that no volunteer is interested in doing it.

RE: Drag & Drop from search into playlist would be fine - Added by Ali Baba over 8 years ago

As i see, somebody did it already :-D

Thank you, this makes audacious the best+1 player for me.
Kepp on guys, tank you.
