Enhancement Suggestion: File System watching.
Added by kent williams over 5 years ago
Audacious remembers where your media library is, and if you hit the 'refresh' icon at the bottom left of the Audacious window, it will scan the file system for new media files.
That's great, and I don't mind pushing buttons. It's what I do for a living.
But here's a suggestion: Use file system watching in the background to notice if files are added to the media folder.
The Microsoft TypeScript compiler (and a bunch of other Node-ish applications) do this to recompile modified files. There's a bunch of examples of directory watching, for example this one: https://solarianprogrammer.com/2019/01/13/cpp-17-filesystem-write-file-watcher-monitor/
Thanks, Audacious is my favorite media player/library organizer
Replies (2)
RE: Enhancement Suggestion: File System watching.
Added by Ariadne Conill over 5 years ago
We could use a GIOWatch to do this. I'll look into it.
RE: Enhancement Suggestion: File System watching.
Added by Ariadne Conill over 5 years ago
I added this to latest git using QFileSystemWatcher for now. You will need to enable it in the preferences for the Search Tool.