Adding several folders to the library?
Added by Ash Daveson about 5 years ago
First of all thanks to anyone who was involved in developping this great player.
I would like to know, is there any way to add several libraries in the Search Tool? I have three different folders (on three different HDD) where my music is stored, and I have no idea how to organize it in Audacious.
I tried to make two symlinks, from the two different HDD to the third which is pointing to the folder I set as my library in Audacious; but no chance either to get Audacious watches these two other folders.
What I'm trying to achieve is being able to search (using the J key) in these three different folders using the Search Tool. Does anyone have a clue how it could be possible?
Replies (2)
RE: Adding several folders to the library?
Added by Ash Daveson about 5 years ago
*using the Y key, my bad.
RE: Adding several folders to the library?
Added by John Lindgren about 5 years ago
It's not possible to add multiple folders currently. You can open a feature request, or better, see if you can write up a patch and open a pull request on GitHub.