album art size
Added by Gerry Brown over 3 years ago
I am using the album art plugin, and I am looking for a way to display all the covers the same size.
I get some that display the full size of the window, while others display half the size.
Likewise, I have checked the resolution of the folder.jpg and that does not seem to be the problem.
Is there a setting I have missed to allow the album art to all display the same size/
Replies (6)
RE: album art size
Added by Gerry Brown over 3 years ago
I thought I would add a little more info in the hopes of getting a response ;)
I am using version 4.1 on Linux Mint Mate 20.2.
I am transitioning from Deadbeef because it kept freezing on me and I could not find a resolution. In Deadbeef there was a dialog in the settings to look for album art in folders with names like cover, front folder etc.
With Audacious album art plugin, I don't know if it is using the image in the tag or the folder.jpg or where it is getting the image from.
I would just like the image to always display at a given resolution, so I can see it from across the room.
Is there a config file I can alter to achieve this, or somewhere I can alter the display setting.
RE: album art size
Added by Jim Turner over 3 years ago
This appears to be a super-easy code-fix (audgui/ and both Add an option to the Albumart plugins to "Scale small images to fill space." Audacious currently scales images DOWN automatically to fit in the container widget(s), but not up (fill). I'd recommend adding the option (either in Albumart or Appearance) in order to allow for current behaviour b/c some may prefer it as is. With this in mind, I'd recommend filing a feature request in the bug-system.
RE: album art size
Added by Gerry Brown over 3 years ago
I will look into doing that. I think scaling to fit space would be perfect.
RE: album art size
Added by Jim Turner over 3 years ago
I've already done the work for you: see ;)
You can either build & install that or download Audacious's git & manually merge the two commit's changes into that and rebuild. If it works well for you, I'll submit a pull-request to Audacious.
RE: album art size
Added by Gerry Brown about 3 years ago
Thanks Jim, I appreciate your efforts, but unfortunately I am a bit of a noob and don't know how to build & install or download Audacious's git & manually merge the two commit's changes into that and rebuild.
I went to the link you provided but was at a loss for what to do from there :(
RE: album art size
Added by Jim Turner about 3 years ago
Did you actually look at the page? Links to the main and plugins sources are near the top. Click on the main source link, scroll to the bottom for detailed instructions for building (the README file) and links to the FAQ, but here's a direct link to that specific file: (Developers like me go to great lengths to document necessary technical procedures in writing for our users, therefore we appreciated them to at least glance at them and then hopefully READ them as needed)! If, AFTER you do that, if there's a mistake or you still need help, drop me a direct email (see my redmine profile) and I'll be glad to assist you, as this project is separate from Audacious, so not appropriate to get into a detailed thread here. If you choose instead to build mainline Audacious instead and attempt to merge this there, they have similar instructions for building Audacious here (at the top of THIS forum): ;)