Listen to album from various artists using Search Tool
Added by Markus H. over 12 years ago
Hi there,
I'm using the new Audacious 3.3 and it really is amazing. However I came across one problem:
When using the Search Tool to select an album by typing in the album's name the results are now split by artist. Since I have tons of albums that include tracks from different artists, I often can't select the album as a whole anymore. Did I overlook something?
Replies (2)
RE: Listen to album from various artists using Search Tool
Added by John Lindgren over 12 years ago
No, you didn't overlook anything. The search tool uses a tree structure internally to organize the tracks first by artist, then by album, then by song title; hence two songs with different artists but the same album name will be treated as coming from two separate albums.
RE: Listen to album from various artists using Search Tool
Added by Lightning Rose over 12 years ago
Markus, You might like Select-o-Magic 3000. It allows sorting in any order by any of several criteria and works well with Audacious - at least version 2.5 - I still using Ubuntu 10.04 and can't install v3.x.x