


How does the GIO support work?

Added by Gavin Hamill almost 12 years ago

Hullo all,

I've been following Ubuntu and Audacious for years; I'm still very much in favour of a music player that doesn't require the use of a 'Library'.

However, can someone point me to some docs where the GIO support in Audacious is explained?

In Nautilus I can go to Places -> Computer, double click 'mp3 on eddie' and see all my network music (likewise "gvfs-ls smb://eddie/mp3/" shows me the root directory). I have many playlists which contain this smb://eddie/mp3/path/to/song.mp3 format which have worked in Audacious in the past - probably because of native SMB support rather than GIO; the 'eddie' server permits guest access via Samba.

If I drag a file from the Nautilus view to the playlist and double click it, the file does not play because the path is in "smb://" format.

However, if I double-click a file in Nautilus, it immediately starts playing because the path is /home/username/.gvfs/mp3 on eddie/ format.

What gives? :)

Replies (3)

RE: How does the GIO support work? - Added by John Lindgren almost 12 years ago

"The file does not play" -- what does happen? An error message? Also, what version of Audacious is this?

RE: How does the GIO support work? - Added by Gavin Hamill almost 12 years ago

Hi John,

This occurs with Audacious 3.3.0, installed using Alin Andrei's PPA repository at

The 'GIO Plugin' is clearly displayed in the 'Transport' tab.

Drag a file from Nautilus view of "smb://" to the playlist.

"mpg123 probe error for smb:// A generic mpg123 error." appears immediately in the console.

If I double click on the playlist item then the following appears in the console:
"mpg123: Error opening smb:// Error reading the stream. (code 18)."

If I run Audacious with -V and do the same thing.. First drag from Nautilus to playlist:

probe.c:173 [file_find_decoder]: Probing smb://
probe.c:123 [probe_by_scheme]: Probing by scheme.
probe.c:139 [probe_by_extension]: Probing by extension.
probe.c:111 [probe_func_fast]: Guessing MPG123 Plugin.
VFS: <0x9ee9110> open (mode r) smb://
VFS: <0x9ee9110> size = 3847629
VFS: <0x9ee9110> seek to 0 from end
VFS: <0x9ee9110> tell = 16525440725988813
VFS: <0x9ee9110> seek to -128 from end
VFS: <0x9ee9110> tell = 16524890970174797
VFS: <0x9ee9110> seek to 0 from beginning
VFS: <0x9ee9110> tell = 0
VFS: <0x9ee9110> seek to 413 from current
VFS: <0x9ee9110> tell = 1791001362849
VFS: <0x9ee9110> seek to -1791001362849 from current
VFS: <0x9ee9110> tell = 17179869188
mpg123 probe error for smb:// A generic mpg123 error.
VFS: <0x9ee9110> close

Double-clicking the playlist item:

util.c:215 [audgui_pixbuf_for_entry]: Using fallback pixbuf.
VFS: <0xa11fb20> open (mode r) smb://
mpg123.c:310 [mpg123_playback_worker]: playback worker started for smb://
mpg123.c:313 [mpg123_playback_worker]: Checking for streaming ...
VFS: <0xa11fb20> size = 3847629
VFS: <0xa11fb20> seek to 0 from end
VFS: <0xa11fb20> tell = 16525440725988813
VFS: <0xa11fb20> seek to 128 from end
VFS: <0xa11fb20> tell = 16524890970174797
VFS: <0xa11fb20> seek to 0 from beginning
VFS: <0xa11fb20> tell = 0
VFS: <0xa11fb20> seek to 413 from current
VFS: <0xa11fb20> tell = 1791001362849
VFS: <0xa11fb20> seek to -1791001362849 from current
VFS: <0xa11fb20> tell = 17179869188
mpg123: Error opening smb:// Error reading the stream. (code 18).
VFS: <0xa11fb20> close
probe.c:173 [file_find_decoder]: Probing file:///home/gdh/Music/Cornelius%20


RE: How does the GIO support work? - Added by John Lindgren almost 12 years ago

It looks like a bug in GIO. g_seekable_tell() should be returning 3847629 (the size of the file) but is returning 16525440725988813 instead. 16525440725988813 = 3847629 + 3847629 * 2^32, whatever significance that may carry.
