


How to create a playlist from a "shared" folder

Added by Sam Baker almost 12 years ago

Does anybody know how to create a playlist of files in Audacious that are in a "shared" folder?

I have two unbuntu desktops with a shared folder of music on one and the other has Audacious on it.
I am using samba to network the shared folder.
I am trying to create a play list of music that is in the shared folder, but the playlist navagation feature of Audacious does not show the shared folder.

I have no problem with Rhythmbox, the shared folder shows up in the "import" feature of Rhythmbox, just don't see same such in Audacious.
( Using Audacious 3.2.1 )


Replies (4)

RE: How to create a playlist from a "shared" folder - Added by Michael Schwendt almost 12 years ago

So, in other words, one of your desktops is a Samba server, which exports the shared folder. And since you don't mount that shared folder on your other desktop, which is a Samba client, you need to open it via its smb:// URL.

RE: How to create a playlist from a "shared" folder - Added by Michael Schwendt almost 12 years ago

And about Audacious 3.2.1, I cannot tell whether that version is new enough. The smb transport plugin included in that version has been discontinued and replaced with a better working gio transport plugin. It may be necessary to upgrade for improved/bug-free SMB transport.

RE: How to create a playlist from a "shared" folder - Added by Sam Baker almost 12 years ago

My main desktop has a large HD on it, thus I have my huge collection of music on it. My other desktop has a small Hd on it and it has Audacious on it.

I want to be able to load a playlist of music that is on the larger desktop using Audacious that is on my smaller ( say client ) desktop.
I can use Rhythmbox to do this with no problem. I can "see" the shared folder on the larger desktop. Can't using Audacious though.

I can see the shared folders that are on the larger desktop while using the client desktop, no problem.
I can load files from it and to it, delete them, edit them, etc.... Just can't get the Audacious playlist maker feature to "see" the shared folder.

RE: How to create a playlist from a "shared" folder - Added by Michael Schwendt almost 12 years ago

Well, typically you would "mount" such a shared folder on your client desktop, so it can be accessed via a local path. Either manually or with the help of stuff like GVFS. I don't think Audacious itself features special support for browsing SMB/CIFS shares.
