


Custom step for forward and rewind

Added by Maksim Kozlov over 10 years ago


I want to have possibility to set my own step for the track rewinding, but now, as I can see, the step size is hard coded as 5 sec.
So I have a question - whether this should be implemented as separate plugin or make it as main feature of UI (ui gtk) ?

Sorry, if this is already discussed early or is already implemented, but I didn't find anything about this.

Replies (6)

RE: Custom step for forward and rewind - Added by John Lindgren over 10 years ago

It would make sense to add this as an option to the GTK+ UI. Please open a feature request so that this doesn't get forgotten.

RE: Custom step for forward and rewind - Added by Maksim Kozlov over 10 years ago

I opened the feature request #400 (I hope I did that in the right place), but I need some time to prepare patch.

RE: Custom step for forward and rewind - Added by Maksim Kozlov over 10 years ago

I prepared the patch but I don't know where I should send it, so I attached it to issue #400 for reviews and comments

RE: Custom step for forward and rewind - Added by Maksim Kozlov over 10 years ago

Whether this feature (#400) will be included to the next release? What should be done for that?
