


Winamp "modern" skin project

Added by John Lindgren about 10 years ago

Received this by email and reposting it here for posterity:

i was looking for an audacious "development" forum section, but couldn't find it so i post it to you directly, share eventual this with other guys in the audacious team.

Was looking for a long time for a linux player able to load wa modern skins.
So, since i couldn't find anything, i tried to develop something by myself.

I released on sourceforge an initial app called "jericho".
It is a minimal demo able to play streams and files (through xmms2d, but still far to be a complete player), and able to load modern skins end execute maki scripting.

I don't have time to improve it and i published it with the only purpose to share the code
hoping to be useful to any other linux player team to see the open code behind maki engine.

I don't know if this idea can still have sense, since winamp is no more on development and something new is arriving, but there are still hundreds and hundreds modern skins available.

If someone of the developers team here can be interested, just look it there on sf.
