triggering plugin from keystroke
Added by Frans Oliehoek about 4 years ago
Hi all,
I am trying to do something super simple, but am struggling nevertheless. Hope you might be able to help:
I'm trying to get audacious to output the filename of the currently playing song to the terminal via a keystroke. (Such that I can easily select candidate tracks for a small playlist while randomly jumping through a big playlist).
I copied and mutilated the "Delete files" plugin to a "Dump Filename" plugin. This works, but still requires me to right click-> services -> "dump selected file names".
Can I avoid this clicking and associate this with a keypress?
(I looked at the hotkey plugin, but it does not offer the option of selecting arbitrary plugins to run. I tried having a look at how aosd is called, but ran into a wall trying to understand the exact form the hook mechanism takes).
Any advice is welcome!
Replies (2)
RE: triggering plugin from keystroke
Added by Thomas Lange about 4 years ago
You can use audtool (shipped with Audacious) to query the file name and print it to the terminal.
See audtool --help for all the supported commands, what you are looking for is probably "current-song-filename".
I hope that helps.
RE: triggering plugin from keystroke
Added by Frans Oliehoek about 4 years ago
yes... that works alright! ;-)