Support #1107
ReplayGain support for MP3
ReplayGain metadata in MP3s is currently not recognized by Audacious.
Updated by John Lindgren over 3 years ago
- Tracker changed from Feature to Support
ReplayGain certainly is supported for MP3 -- I use it just about every day.
Please attach an example of an MP3 file that isn't working for you.
Updated by Damian Höster over 3 years ago
John Lindgren wrote:
ReplayGain certainly is supported for MP3 -- I use it just about every day.
Please attach an example of an MP3 file that isn't working for you.
Yes, you are correct. I was wrong. Both track and album ReplayGain is completely supported for MP3 by Audacious.
Problem was probably that SoundKonverter only added per-track ReplayGain metadata for MP3, which I didn't expect. So, not an Audacious issue.
Updated by John Lindgren over 3 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed
Okay. Glad you found the issue. I'll go ahead and close this.
Updated by Damian Höster over 3 years ago
There actually is a serious problem with ReplayGain metadata in MP3:
APE ReplayGain metadata in MP3 is not recognized by Audacious if any ID3 tags are present.
This is a big problem because
1. The vast majority MP3 files contain ID3 metadata and
2. Mp3gain writes APE ReplayGain metadata by default, and so does SoundKonverter.
I only could not reproduce the problem in my test because I removed all metadata from the file before reapplying ReplayGain.
Updated by Damian Höster over 3 years ago
Opened a new ticket for this, bug #1115