Feature #1196
Snap to the bottom of the screen when rolling up player windows (Winamp interface)
If you have the player in shade mode (rolled up), and press the roll down button, if there is enough room below the player, the player will expand downwards as you'd expect. If there's not enough room below the player, it will expand upwards. This is good, logical behavior.
However, if you have the player at the bottom of the screen and and the player expands up, when you click the "roll up" button to return to shade mode, the player doesn't return to the position where it previously was and you have to manually move it back.
I can't have Audacious at the top of my screen because it blocks my browser tabs, so each time I need to expand the player or playlist and roll it back up, I also have to move it back where it belongs.
See the attached screen recording.
Thank you :)
(In the recording, you will also notice a separate, strange issue where the playlist is drifting to the left and overlapping the player)
Updated by John Lindgren over 2 years ago
- Target version deleted (
4.2) - Category set to plugins/skins-qt
- Subject changed from When rolling up the shade from the bottom of the screen, the window doesn't return to the position where it left off to Snap to the bottom of the screen when rolling up player windows (Winamp interface)
- Tracker changed from Bug to Feature
This would be a new feature -- marking it as such.
(In the recording, you will also notice a separate, strange issue where the playlist is drifting to the left and overlapping the player)
I can't reproduce this part, but I notice that your mouse cursor is moving to the left in that part of the recording. I would guess that both windows are attempting to follow the mouse cursor, but your window manager is fighting it and keeping the main player window from going off-screen.