Feature #182
Find lyrics for sound recognition.
A plugin Find lyrics for sound recognition.
And a feature for be able to search in plugin RyricWiki typing the song name, because depending on how is the file named, has no way to find the lyric.
#1 Updated by John Lindgren over 12 years ago
I don't understand what you are saying. Please ask someone with better English to translate for you. I am sorry that we can't accept bug reports in your native language, whatever that may be.
#2 Updated by Taacla Natast over 12 years ago
John Lindgren wrote:
I don't understand what you are saying. Please ask someone with better English to translate for you. I am sorry that we can't accept bug reports in your native language, whatever that may be.
I am sorry for my bad English, I'll try to explain better.
A plugin in Audacious as resources similar to these:
Midomi http://www.midomi.com/objects/midomiLandingVoiceSearch.swf
Audigle http://www.audiggle.com/
Tunatic http://www.wildbits.com/tunatic/
This link above are exemples.
#3 Updated by John Lindgren over 12 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Thank you for the examples, I understand what you are asking for now. I do not think an audio fingerprinting feature fits well in a program intended to be simple and lightweight.
#4 Updated by Сергей Денисов over 10 years ago
A plugin Find lyrics for sound recognition.
And a feature for be able to search in plugin RyricWiki typing the song name, because depending on how is the file named, has no way to find the lyric.
Да, было бы неплохо интегрировать то тот же Tunatic (http://tunatic.ru/) в систему
#5 Updated by Jack Daniels over 7 years ago
John, I can take a look and implement it. Could you please elaborate what plugin APIs I should use to intercept portion of audiostream ? I'd like to detect songs when I'm listening to streaming radio so opening source audio file is not an option. References to relevant pieces of code at https://github.com/audacious-media-player/audacious-plugins would be helpful. Thanks!