Bug #3
Playlist sub-window stays in background (LXDE/Openbox)
I think I've found an annoying bug on LXDE (Lubuntu 11.10) for all 3.x versions of audacious. I currently run 3.1.1 version, and i use audacious with "winamp classic interface" and playlist activated.
When I launch Audacious, both main window and playlist window have focus. But when switching to other programs and then back to audacious, only the main window appears, the playlist window stay in background. This problem appears not only when switching with taksbar button, but with ALT+F4 too.
I didn't have this problem with 2.5.x versions.
Updated by John Lindgren over 13 years ago
I have noticed the same problem, but didn't realize it was new with 3.x (figured it was an Openbox problem). Guess I'll have to look into it some more.
Updated by John Lindgren over 13 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
I built 2.5.4, and the problem occurs with that version also. So it is a regression in Openbox, not Audacious.
Updated by Aponia71 Aponia71 over 13 years ago
I just did a test within virtualbox : 2.4.4 version does not have this bug on lubuntu 11.10. Just after upgrading audacious to 3.0 (thanks to ubuntu ppa https://launchpad.net/~ferramroberto/+archive/audacious ), the bug appears. Sorry for being so insistent, but I made a video capture of this bug :
Maybe 2.5.4 version already had the bug ?
Updated by John Lindgren over 13 years ago
Please point out the problem in the Audacious code, or bisect it to the commit that caused the problem.
Updated by John Lindgren over 13 years ago
I built 2.4.5, and the problem occurs with that version also. So it is a regression in Openbox, not Audacious.
Updated by John Lindgren over 13 years ago
One thought: what GTK+ version is your 2.4.4 build linked to, and what version is your 3.1.1 build linked to? It may be a change in GTK+ rather than Openbox.
Updated by Aponia71 Aponia71 over 13 years ago
Hi John, you are certainly right, anyway i'm not C/C++ programmer so I won't be able to point any part of code :)
For your information, installed GTK+ libraries are : 2.24.6-0ubuntu5 for libgtk2.* and 3.2.0-0ubuntu3 for libgtk-3.*, and I have exactly the same versions in my "virtualboxed" lubuntu. Openbox versions are 3.5.0-0ubuntu3.
I will then wait for an update of GTK+ and/or openbox.
Updated by mathias dufresne about 13 years ago
I have the same behaviour here, on several Gentoo.
Here mentioned others version:
and audacious version I've tested:
When I asked my system to downgrade to version 2.4.4 of audacious, it installed:
and nothing else.
I didn't rebuild any lib since.
I made windows focus tests as in the video and now, with audacious-2.4.4, both audacious windows appear when with audacious-3.1 only one was appearing...
Hoping this would help to understand the root cause.
Kindly regards,
Updated by mathias dufresne about 13 years ago
I've tried on a second Gentoo system: same behaviour. After installing adacious 2.4.4, no more issue. Nothing else than audacious, its plugins and the jack library was installed.
Updated by mathias dufresne about 13 years ago
Test 2.5.4 version
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild U ] media-sound/*audacious-2.5.4* [2.4.4] USE="nls session sse2 (-altivec) -chardet" 1,193 kB
[ebuild U ] media-plugins/*audacious-plugins-2.5.4* [2.4.4-r1] USE="aac adplug alsa cue ffmpeg flac gnome ipv6 jack lirc mp3 mtp nls oss pulseaudio sdl sndfile sse2 vorbis wavpack (-aqua) -bs2b -cdda -fluidsynth -lame -libnotify -libsamplerate -midi -mms -scrobbler -sid" 3,419 kB
Total: 2 packages (2 upgrades), Size of downloads: 4,611 kB
Issue is not here.
Test 3.1 version
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild U ] media-sound/*audacious-3.1* [2.5.4] USE="nls session sse2 (-altivec) -chardet" 775 kB
[ebuild U ] media-plugins/*audacious-plugins-3.1* [2.5.4] USE="aac adplug alsa cue ffmpeg flac gnome ipv6 jack mp3 mtp nls oss pulseaudio sndfile sse2 vorbis wavpack (-aqua) -bs2b -cdda -fluidsynth -lame -libnotify -libsamplerate -midi -mms -scrobbler -sid (-lirc%*) (-sdl%*)" 0 kB
Issue appears
I've re-installed 2.5.4 between both tests.
Test 3.0.3 version
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild U ~] media-sound/*audacious-3.0.3-r1* [2.5.4] USE="nls session sse2 (-altivec) -chardet" 821 kB
[ebuild U ~] media-plugins/*audacious-plugins-3.0.3* [2.5.4] USE="aac adplug alsa cue ffmpeg flac gnome ipv6 jack mp3 mtp nls oss pulseaudio sndfile sse2 vorbis wavpack (-aqua) -bs2b -cdda -fluidsynth -lame -libnotify -libsamplerate -midi -mms -scrobbler -sid (-lirc%*) (-sdl%*)" 2,126 kB
Total: 2 packages (2 upgrades), Size of downloads: 2,946 kB
Issue is still there
Test 3.1.1 version
These are the packages that would be merged, in order:
Calculating dependencies... done!
[ebuild U ~] media-sound/audacious-3.1.1 [3.0.3-r1] USE="nls session sse2 (-altivec) -chardet" 749 kB
[ebuild U ~] media-plugins/audacious-plugins-3.1.1 [3.0.3] USE="aac adplug alsa cue ffmpeg flac gnome ipv6 jack mp3 mtp nls oss pulseaudio sndfile sse2 vorbis wavpack (-aqua) -bs2b -cdda -fluidsynth -lame -libnotify -libsamplerate -midi -mms -scrobbler -sid" 2,118 kB
Total: 2 packages (2 upgrades), Size of downloads: 2,866 kB
Issue is still there
Finally I'm back with 2.5.4 because this version is most recent I have which is working well.
I'm not a developer and my knowledge about interactions between software and underlaying libraries is ridiculous, but it seems to me that issue appears with 3.0 and is still not resolved.
Something else, but this is not important (at all!), using v3.x audacious' GTK interface speak english when it speak french with 2.X ;)
Hoping all that will help you to get rid of that issue.
Updated by mathias dufresne about 13 years ago
This should not be rejected!
Test on 3.2:
Playlist issue is still there but at least now GTK interface speak french, good job ;)
Now I'm trying git version... and issue is still there.
So every 3.x version have this issue.
Something else which is linked to that issue: I'm used to place main audacious in bottom left corner. Just upper, stuck to mainwindow, is the playlist.
When I start audacious, Openbox place correctly the playlist but main windows refuse to be displayed at memorized place on the screen. It memorized playlist window placement but main window is displayed directly upper (far upper) of playlist.
| main |
| playlist |
rather than
| playlist |
------------ | main |
Updated by mathias dufresne about 13 years ago
After all that: thank you a lot for that really app ;)
We complain, obviously, but if weren't satisfied enough, we would have changed ^^
Updated by Aponia71 Aponia71 about 13 years ago
I've something interesting : in 3.x versions, when playlist is hidden behind other windows, if you click the "playlist" button to deactivate the playlist, and then click again to reactivate it, the faulty behaviour disappears and Audacious behave as expected, as in 2.x versions.
It seems that doing so corrects some cycle "hidden/not hidden" of the playlist, and then main windows and playlist windows are again synchronized
==> are you sure it is an openbox bug then ??
Updated by Aponia71 Aponia71 over 12 years ago
This audacious bug is now too annoying. I looked for alternatives, and found qmmp which seems similar (winamp-like), is compatible with my old skins, and ... owerall does not have this playlist window bug !! . ... I definitively switched to qmmp. Thanks anyway for maintaining audacious all these years.