


Support #414

Win32: Audacious GTK UI is missing some icons (kind of)

Added by Q. P. about 11 years ago. Updated about 11 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
March 08, 2014
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:



I noticed that audacious-3.5-alpha1-win32 uses different icons compared to audacious-3.4.3a-win32.

I noticed that /etc/gtk-3.0/settings.ini has been added to audacious-3.5-alpha1-win32, which reads:


Deleting this file (or that line inside it) brings back the icons from audacious-3.4.3a-win32. However, some of the icons are missing.

Why is that? And is it supposed to be like that?



#1 Updated by Q. P. about 11 years ago


Okay, i just had a look at Audacious 3.4.1 inside a daily build of Ubuntu GNOME 14.04.

In Ubuntu GNOME, you can choose icon themes for GNOME. By default, it's set to a icon theme called "GNOME". That's the same icon theme that's being used in audacious-3.5-alpha1-win32.

You can also choose a icon theme called "Hicolor", which is the same icon theme that's being used in audacious-3.4.3a-win32.

So, i guess that audacious-3.5-alpha1-win32 is using the "GNOME" icon theme instead of the "Hicolor" theme is reasonable and the "Hicolor" theme having been used previously actually was unintentional(?).

I am still wondering though why using the "GNOME" icon theme in Audacious Win32 results in small toolbar icons, whereas using the "Hicolor" theme in Audcious Win32 results in large toolbar icons...

Kinda strange...


#2 Updated by John Lindgren about 11 years ago

  • Status changed from New to Closed

The old "stock" icons embedded in the GTK+ DLL, which are the ones used in Audacious 3.4.x, are now deprecated [1]. Hence it is necessary to ship a small subset of the Gnome icon theme with Audacious. It is a pain; though, as a small consolation, we now have icons for repeat and shuffle. The toolbar icons are smaller now because I decided to include only 16-pixel icons (with a few exceptions). Also, there is no "hicolor" icon theme in the Audacious release, and there never has been. Even on Linux, hicolor is not a real theme nowadays but a sort of global fallback. The icons you see when disable the Gnome theme are the GTK+ stock icons. Actually, it's only through some weirdness in the GTK+ code that you see any icons at all, because the old stock names [2] are different from the standard icon names that are now used [3].

If you want to change the icons (or just want to have the full range of icon sizes), the easiest way would be to copy one of the icon themes from Ubuntu into the Audacious installation folder on Windows. Then change the gtk-icon-theme-name line in gtksettings.ini to match.

You probably get the idea by now that porting a very Linux-centric program like Audacious to Windows is a bit messy. Hence the Windows version is still something of a work in progress. It's nice to see that people are interested in it, though.

I'm going to close this support ticket. In future, the forum would be a better venue for questions like this one.


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