Bug #426
Scrobbler spams feed when ID3 parser errors occur
It seems that when Audacious encounters a certain kind of ID3 parse error, it updates the track information many many times, causing the scrobbler plugin to submit the same track hundreds of times in a row (eg: my last.fm account shows 17,000 scrobbles of a track which I've listened to a few hundred times.)
Here's a track which causes the problem: http://chris.ill-logic.com/files/Pigbag%20-%20Papas%20Gotta%20Brand%20New%20Bag.mp3
Here's what my last.fm feed looks like: http://chris.ill-logic.com/images/audacious-overscrobbling.png
Here's what Audacious prints to the console after loading the track:
Entity: line 7: parser error : Char 0xFFFE out of allowed range <album corrected="0">一椀渀樀愀 䌀甀琀猀㨀 夀漀甀 ^ Entity: line 7: parser error : PCDATA invalid Char value 65534 <album corrected="0">一椀渀樀愀 䌀甀琀猀㨀 夀漀甀 ^ Entity: line 7: parser error : Char 0xFFFE out of allowed range <album corrected="0">一椀渀樀愀 䌀甀琀猀㨀 夀漀甀 ^ Entity: line 7: parser error : PCDATA invalid Char value 65534 <album corrected="0">一椀渀樀愀 䌀甀琀猀㨀 夀漀甀 ^ Entity: line 7: parser error : Char 0xFFFE out of allowed range <album corrected="0">一椀渀樀愀 䌀甀琀猀㨀 夀漀甀 ^ Entity: line 7: parser error : PCDATA invalid Char value 65534 <album corrected="0">一椀渀樀愀 䌀甀琀猀㨀 夀漀甀 ^ Entity: line 7: parser error : Char 0xFFFE out of allowed range <album corrected="0">嬀䴀䔀䜀䄀䴀䤀匀䌀崀</album> ^ [...240 lines of this...]
Updated by John Lindgren almost 11 years ago
I can't reproduce this at all; the example MP3 file is scrobbled just once for me. As a side note, the "parser error" is referring to an XML parser (last.fm API uses a lot of XML), not an ID3 parser.
Updated by John Lindgren almost 11 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Not enough information to reproduce. Closing.