


Feature #647

Relative paths while exporting playlist

Added by Mr Brahman almost 9 years ago. Updated over 5 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
May 18, 2016
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


Like many other users, I share(/sync) my song and playlist files between multiple computers (on different OS). The folder structure in all computers are the same.

It would be great if Audacious provides an option to save the playlists using relative paths (rather than absolute). The playlist file then becomes instantly "playable" on all computers!



#1 Updated by John Lindgren over 8 years ago

Yes, I agree this would be a good feature to have. I think it was there at some point, maybe back in the XMMS days, but the code probably bitrotted over the years and was eventually removed.

#2 Updated by John Lindgren over 8 years ago

  • Category set to plugins/m3u

#4 Updated by Mr Brahman over 7 years ago

Thank you for working on this! I look forward to the 3.10 release

#5 Updated by The Mummy over 7 years ago

Also looking forward to it !

#6 Updated by Mr Brahman almost 6 years ago

I have v 3.10 now, and I see that "Use relative paths when possible" is checked in Settings -> Playlist -> Export section.

However, the export is still exporting the full paths. Can you please help understand under what conditions will the "relative" path be used?

Thank you.

#7 Updated by John Lindgren almost 6 years ago

The song files need to be in (or in a sub-folder of) the same folder containing the .m3u playlist.

If you have further issues, please ask on the forum rather than commenting on an closed feature request.

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