Support #740
Qt version will not start
And now that I see in the release's notes that things like moving a file through drag 'n drop in a playlist is just won't start. And Qt is fine on my computer, I use Avidemux for video purposes and well I use the QT version because it is much superior, and still does work, so I don't think any package or update installed since then has done any damage to QT. Unless my version is too old? Here's the output from terminal :
"qmake --version
QMake version 3.0
Using Qt version 5.2.1 in /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu"
So I'm running version 5.2.1 of Qt, could that be just that. Or maybe it's not compatible with the kernel I'm using which is 4.4.0-59. I can boot in a few older kernels I have that are still supported by 14.04/trusty, like the latest 3.16.x kernels, in fact the very last one that came out, it came up in the updates.
If Audacious Qt or otherwise produces a log file or something to help you, i will provide it after you respond, I tried the forum but nobody answered and 5 olders posts were responded to since then, so it seems like nobody there knows or cares about my problem with Audacious-Qt.
Have a good day. You can contact me through PM if there is a PM system here, or at the email used to subscribe to the forum. I chose the libaudqt as Category because there wasn't a simple Qt or something like that.
Updated by John Lindgren over 7 years ago
- Subject changed from Audacious 3.9 Linux Mint 17.3 on a partition without issues, the Qt version will not start since the updates a few days ago, before it did, but there was things that needed fixing before I wanted to use it... to Qt version will not start
If Audacious Qt or otherwise produces a log file or something to help you
Is anything printed to stdout? "Aborted" or "Segmentation fault" or any errors?
Updated by John Lindgren over 7 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
- Priority changed from Blocker to Major
Updated by John Lindgren over 7 years ago
Closing due to lack of response. Taylor, if you come back and see this, feel free to continue the discussion on the forums. You need to provide more information, though.
Updated by John Lindgren over 7 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected