Bug #860
radio playlist crashes softrware if put on pause for a few hours and play reactivated/ it does not know how to refresh the station ...
.... and is confused and will do one of two things
➊ Be confused and then move onto the next item in list
➋ Be confused and terminate instance of Audacious
Now I know it can done as Foobar does it flawlessly ie to refresh the paused station and carry on playing said station
It would be a real bonus if Audacious could have that functionality added . Not being a programmer i do not know how easy it is to add but would be very happy to see it put in place
Thanx in advance. Great Program
Best Regards
Updated by John Lindgren about 6 years ago
Please test with the latest version (3.10.1). If the crash still occurs, please provide a backtrace.
Updated by shan shanshantiq about 6 years ago
ok John upgraded and still exact same ... the crash is not the usual reaction it really only happens if you leave it for say an hour or so what it does is it plays where it left off the track that was on the playlist back in time it does not UPDATE to the current track ... WHAT it always does and that Foobar does not hence my question/query/request is to update to the current track on playlist
what it does specifically is this >>
➊ plays A Day in The Life at 11:58 on Station X
➋ pause it at 11:59
➌ press play at 12:11 .... it plays A Day in The Life for 30 seconds from where it left off then either crashes or moves on to NEXT station
my request here is to correct the coding so it plays what is playing at 12:11 on station X ... a feature which is in Foobar now again I know not how easy it is to do that ... i am merely asking/requesting this
I hope i am being clear 3.10.1 responds in exact same way as 3.9 in this matter
Regards shan
Updated by John Lindgren about 6 years ago
shan shanshantiq wrote:
my request here is to correct the coding so it plays what is playing at 12:11 on station X ... a feature which is in Foobar now again I know not how easy it is to do that ... i am merely asking/requesting this
See, this is fundamentally not what "Pause" is meant to do. "Pause" and then "Play" should resume playing at 11:59, where it was when you paused the station. What you are asking for (to begin playback again at the current stream time) is different and is achieved by "Stop" and then "Play".
It might be possible to detect when the remote server has closed the connection after a long "Pause", and automatically do a restart sequence ("Stop" and then "Play") in that case. I will not be working on that in the near future, but it's possible in theory.
Now, if you are seeing a crash, that is a real bug, and I would like to track it down. Please provide a debugger backtrace so we can work on this together.
Updated by shan shanshantiq about 6 years ago
I see. hmmm. so to stop and start. yes. Only as I could achieve this on foobar with pause/play was trying to replicate this on Audacious
So I think this answers that John. Thanx
PS: When you say Please provide a debugger backtrace Plz where would I find that on Ubuntu? Started from terminal only the word Audacious is visible whatever the changes and nothing I can see in ./config/Audacious
Anyway thanx for your help and will now use Stop/Play as opposed to Pause/Play
Best Regards shan
Updated by John Lindgren about 6 years ago
Updated by John Lindgren about 6 years ago
- Status changed from New to Rejected
Closing since there is not really a way to debug this without a backtrace.