


Feature #870

View > Show Playlist and View > Show Playback Controls

Added by IFo Hancroft about 6 years ago. Updated over 3 years ago.

Target version:
Start date:
February 07, 2019
Due date:
% Done:


Estimated time:
Affects version:


Add the ability to hide the playback controls (search library, open files, add files, play, pause, etc) from the View Menu, just like we can hide the Menu Bar, Status Bar, Info Bar, etc.
Also, the ability to hide the playlist part of the window, via the View Menu.


#1 Updated by John Lindgren about 6 years ago

Um, so what do you NOT want to hide?

You haven't stated a use case or reason for wanting to hide the most basic controls of the player, but if you just don't want to see anything, `audacious --headless` might be appropriate.

#2 Updated by IFo Hancroft about 6 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:

Um, so what do you NOT want to hide?

You haven't stated a use case or reason for wanting to hide the most basic controls of the player, but if you just don't want to see anything, `audacious --headless` might be appropriate.

You are bringing a valid point. I should have added more details into this.

1. I thought it would be best two post one feature request for those two options since the features I am requesting are similar enough but I do want them as two separate options, as opposed to one hiding both.
2. I don't want to hide everything.
3. The ability to hide those (along with the already present ability to hide the other things) gives more combinations/possibilities for one to create their perfect layout that would best match their desktop visuals and also to match their workflow. Without those options, you can come close to some cases by using conky and Audacious but it is not the same and it does add overhead.
4. A particular use case of mine: I tile windows using keyboard shortcuts in a stacking window manager, using quicktile. Audacious remembers its position and starts exactly where I want it and using keyboard shortcuts to add songs, change current song / jump to song, etc, I don't really have an use for the playlist and the buttons and one combination that I think would look good is having just the status bar with visualisations.
5. OCD (Those are the only player parts that can't be hidden. At least not from the View menu. There may be some other way I am not aware of).
P.S. The feature request is for the GTK Interface.

#3 Updated by IFo Hancroft about 6 years ago

6. You can better integrate Audacious in your stream, by showing only what you need and capture that region or the window to show the current playing song on stream.

#4 Updated by IFo Hancroft almost 5 years ago

Any resolution on this?

#5 Updated by IFo Hancroft over 3 years ago

There's also this feature request that can be achieved by implementing my feature request, as explained here: except for the double click/keyboard shortcut toggle asked for in this feature request

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