Bug #903

Lyrics Plugin on Audacious 3.10.1 Windows URL needs to change.
Hello, I would like to report that the Lyrics Plugin on Audacious 3.10.1 (jilindgren build 20181226) needs some fixing.
As of right now, the URL (http://lyrics.wikia.com/api.php) has changed to https://lyrics.fandom.com/api.php
The LyricWiki Plugin shows an error because of it.
Unable to fetch http://lyrics.wikia.com/api.php?action=lyrics&artist=Dr.%20Alban&song=It%27s%20My%20Life&fmt=xml
On Windows 10 the lyricwiki.dll located in
C:\Program Files (x86)\Audacious\lib\audacious\General
Needs the URL changed.
I know it redirects to it but I'm not sure if the plugin knows how to do it. I suspect it doesn't and is why the error shows.
Please fix it so the Plugin works again. Thanks.