Support #947
4.0 QT5 UI - How to get Dark theme back again
It's not clear how to fix this. But in previous versions of Audacious it was possible to get a GTK2 Dark Theme. Now it's all white background with the new Audacious 4.0...
And no i do not want to use the 'Winamp Classic Interface'. Because that splits into many different windows.
Updated by John Lindgren almost 5 years ago
- Tracker changed from Bug to Support
Updated by John Lindgren almost 5 years ago
You'll need to set a Qt 5 theme. Normally your Linux distribution and/or desktop environment should have done that for you already.
Updated by dreamcat 4 almost 5 years ago
- File Screenshot from 2020-03-31 14-11-13.png Screenshot from 2020-03-31 14-11-13.png added
- File Screenshot from 2020-03-31 14-10-49.png Screenshot from 2020-03-31 14-10-49.png added
Thank you. Yeah I launched the QT5 Configuration Tool ('qt5ct') and under the 1st appearance tab changed the following settings:
Style: gtk2
Standard dialogs: GTK2
Pallete: Default
And hit apply. This was enough to set the QT5 theme so that it appears exactly as before in previous versions Audacious. Thank you again, may close this issue.
Updated by John Lindgren almost 5 years ago
- Status changed from New to Closed