

Christian Iversen



April 08, 2012

22:56 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Feature #93: Usage improvement: Be sure to focus jump-to-file dialog when invoking from global shortcut
I used a KWin rule to set "prevent focus stealing" to "none" for this window. That worked perfectly, thanks!

April 02, 2012

22:06 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Feature #92: Allow hiding main window without also hiding playlist window
But there is already a Global Shortcut for "hide/show app", why make it impossible to show only the playlist? Can't I...
12:23 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Feature #92: Allow hiding main window without also hiding playlist window
I must ask, why is this intended? It breaks a perfectly good use case, and what do you get in return? Nothing? Is the...

April 01, 2012

22:43 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Feature #94 (Closed): Simple feature request: Global shortcut to focus Audacious
I'm used to having a shortcut to focus (and bring to front) the Audacious playlist window. It's really useful to be a...
22:41 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Feature #93 (Rejected): Usage improvement: Be sure to focus jump-to-file dialog when invoking from global shortcut
When I invoke the jump-to-file dialog from a global shortcut, the dialog does pop up correctly, but it is usually bel...
22:24 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Feature #92 (Rejected): Allow hiding main window without also hiding playlist window
I've used audacious since the beginning, and I've always used it in WinAMP-skin mode, with the main player window hid...

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