

Alister Hood



October 05, 2014

04:44 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Audacious: RE: Ugly window decorations and how to fix them (GTK+ 3.12)
Sorry, scratch that about the action buttons in the header bar. It was only because I had been playing with a settin...
04:34 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Audacious: RE: Ugly window decorations and how to fix them (GTK+ 3.12)
If I use gtk3-nocsd I get both the header bar and a title bar provided by my window manager (Openbox), but unlike the...

April 17, 2014

04:10 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Feature #434 (Rejected): AOSD: option to show on all screens
The option to "Display OSD using all monitors" sounds like it could mean the OSD will be displayed on every monitor, ...
03:49 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Audacious: RE: Ugly window decorations and how to fix them (GTK+ 3.12)
> Fixed with version 3.12.1
Not in e.g. the plugin "about" dialogs. I couldn't find a GTK ticket for this - is th...

October 10, 2012

14:06 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #139: Files with a sample rate less than 33kHz don't play
> I don't know what you have done to your ALSA setup
It was caused by "defaults.pcm.dmix.rate 44100" in a config f...

July 01, 2012

17:53 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #139: Files with a sample rate less than 33kHz don't play
> John Lindgren wrote:
> We report the error exactly as it comes from ALSA (more specifically, snd_strerror()). If ...

June 30, 2012

18:19 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #139: Files with a sample rate less than 33kHz don't play
Ah, thanks.
It's not exactly obvious for the average user...
15:14 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #139: Files with a sample rate less than 33kHz don't play
FWIW I'm running Arch Linux.
15:12 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #139 (Rejected): Files with a sample rate less than 33kHz don't play
Files with a sample rate less than 33kHz give me the error message "snd_pcm_hw_params failed: Invalid argument".

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