

aur as

  • Registered on: January 23, 2018
  • Last connection: July 25, 2020



July 25, 2020

07:50 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Audacious: RE: feature request language selection in player
I think this is a relevant feature request. Many people install OS in English, but would like for example Audacious i...

December 08, 2019

16:43 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #926: Need to press twice for shortcut to work
You're right, something was probably hogging the Super key ... I tried to understand why with xev, but just resorted ...
09:46 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #926 (Rejected): Need to press twice for shortcut to work
It's so great to have global shortcuts available from Global Hotkeys Plugin. I like top use Super + F1 to Super + F5 ...

November 30, 2019

17:44 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #925: Shuffle stops playing next number
Audacious works as expected, and the issue can be closed. Thanks a lot for maintaining it.
17:41 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #925: Shuffle stops playing next number
Yes, I tried to remove everything from the playlist, and re-added, and now it works fine.

November 29, 2019

12:01 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Bug #925 (Rejected): Shuffle stops playing next number
Ubuntu 18.04
Audacious 3.10
To reproduce
1. Enable Shuffle
2. Click next number, and nothing happens
To fix...

March 16, 2019

20:06 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Support #881: .deb-file or PPA with 3.10.1 for Ubuntu 18.04?
Thanks for updating the link, I think that's more useful. And thanks a lot for maintaining Audacious, it's the best m...
19:37 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Support #881: .deb-file or PPA with 3.10.1 for Ubuntu 18.04?
Thanks John, that worked perfectly!
Perhaps the link from the Download page (

March 15, 2019

13:38 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Support #881 (Closed): .deb-file or PPA with 3.10.1 for Ubuntu 18.04?
I am using Ubuntu 18.04, and I see there is a webupd8 PPA with the latest version 3.10.1, but the webupd8 PPA updates...

January 24, 2018

19:30 Audacious - OLD, PLEASE USE GITHUB DISCUSSIONS/ISSUES Audacious: RE: Focus on current song playing in playlist
It is, thank you so much!

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