


Was the scrobbler plugin removed from the Windows version?

Added by Ludovico Ferdinando over 7 years ago

I wasn't able to find any info about this, but the archive apparently has no scrobbler plugin. Have you dropped support for it?

Replies (3)

RE: Was the scrobbler plugin removed from the Windows version? - Added by John Lindgren over 7 years ago

The scrobbler plugin has never been supported on Windows. You can build it but it will not be able to connect because OpenSSL doesn't know how to find the certificates it needs for a secure connection. If you have some time to try to get it working, that would be great.

RE: Was the scrobbler plugin removed from the Windows version? - Added by Ludovico Ferdinando over 7 years ago

scrobbler.dll is listed among the plugins in attachments to some bug reports though:

Also, this Russian page says that it was included "in the latest builds" and even has a link to download the file ( - I can't verify it though because I'm not a developer.

Maybe someone was working on it and included it in some builds but then gave up?

RE: Was the scrobbler plugin removed from the Windows version? - Added by John Lindgren over 7 years ago

scrobbler.dll was a completely different plugin from back when had a different API (which didn't require SSL). Even if you could hack it up to work with a current version of Audacious, it would be useless since shut down that API years ago.
