


Replay Gain in Audacious

Added by Luis Mamaní almost 11 years ago

Hi! I have a suggestion: can you implement Replay Gain for Audacious? I think that is an essential option for volume levels balance. This save the work of encode again all the audio files that are not encoded with volume normalization (the vast majority), so the audio player does the work more simple and we can enjoy of songs at balanced and secure volume levels.

Replies (4)

RE: Replay Gain in Audacious - Added by John Lindgren almost 11 years ago

Um, it's been there for years ...

RE: Replay Gain in Audacious - Added by Luis Mamaní almost 11 years ago

Ok, I think I was not very clear, sorry.
"Volume Normalization" and "Replay Gain" is not the same.
If I'm not wrong, audacious implements Volume Normalization which simply it balances volume fluctuation of an audio file. But volume stills very very loud for a Headphone use for example.
I suggested implement Replay Gain which reduce volume level to 89db or +0.00 decibel amplification, ideal for a Headphone/Headsets use.
If you test an MP3 file encoded by MS Windows for example, it has about of 100db or +10/+11/+12 decibel amplification by default. Audacious should analyse "on the fly" that audio file (while playing) and apply Replay Gain by the same way to 89db which is the standarized gain. This is the best choice when there are a lot of audio files with no labeled volume gain info.
Why I'm writing this? Why I'm suggesting this? Because in other past days, I played some songs with Audacious in MP3 format that I not encoded (I prefer to use AAC format with Volume Gain to 89db or +0.00 db Amp) and my ears exploded by volume loudness, and I had enabled the Volume Normalization to +0.00 and album mode, and nothing worked. Then I tested unable Volume Normalization option in Audacious, but is the same thing with the same file! Volume stills louder.

RE: Replay Gain in Audacious - Added by John Lindgren almost 11 years ago

Replay Gain is a type of volume normalization and is already supported in Audacious. But I don't think you understand how it works. It isn't an "on the fly" method. You have to use a program like mp3gain to analyze the file beforehand.

RE: Replay Gain in Audacious - Added by Luis Mamaní almost 11 years ago

Ok, Thank you for your recommendation.
No, I'm not an expert about audio topics, but that's what I understood about Replay Gain.
But about calculate gain by "on the fly method", I have seen audio players that uses similar method for that purpose; It consumes more cpu, but is effective for any file.
Considering what you said, it seems that volume normalization doesn't works by the same way in Windows and GNU/Linux (it's obvious but I didn't know). So there Replay Gain differences in my audio files hehe!.
Ok, sorry if I bother, and thank you for your answer.
