


Compilation issues in Audacious 3.5

Added by Etna Etna about 10 years ago

Hi, for years I have been compiling and installing Audacious to a local directory /home/etna/Downloads/Applications/Audacious , and it never failed to work.

However, with the new Audacious 3.5 I am facing issues. Upon compiling and installing Audacious using the following command:

./configure --prefix=/home/etna/Downloads/Applications/Audacious/v35

I realised that, upon running ldd on audacious in the installation bin directory, i get this:

@ [etna@localhost bin]$ ldd audacious => (0x00007fff730e5000) => not found => not found => not found => /lib64/ (0x00007f33e8db4000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f33e8a67000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f33e8819000) => /lib64/ (0x00007f33e8525000)


Audacious can't find its own libraries needed for it to work, which is very odd because those libraries are clearly present in /home/etna/Downloads/Applications/Audacious/v35/lib. Because of this, it doesn't matter whether I proceed to compile the plugins or not; without the main client having access to the 3 libraries, nothing works.

Anyone can help please?

Replies (3)

RE: Compilation issues in Audacious 3.5 - Added by Etna Etna about 10 years ago

I should point out that this never happened in earlier versions of Audacious. Could the removal of libaudclient in Audacious have something to do with this? And if so, how can I resolve it?

Any help is appreciated.

RE: Compilation issues in Audacious 3.5 - Added by John Lindgren about 10 years ago

Did you forget to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH?

RE: Compilation issues in Audacious 3.5 - Added by Etna Etna about 10 years ago

How embarrassing, that turned out to be indeed the case.

I created a launch script that automatically runs export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/home/etna/Downloads/Applications/Audacious/v35/Install/lib prior to launching the binary and all is fine now.
