


File Browser Sidebar

Added by Leo D Monkey about 10 years ago

Hi there.

The file browser sidebar is not showing on audacious gtk mode...don't now if it is a new behavior or bug.

I Switched to audacious mainly because of browser sidepanel so i could just easyly add new folders to may play lists :P

ubuntu 12.04 64
XFCE 4.10

Replies (3)

RE: File Browser Sidebar - Added by John Lindgren about 10 years ago

Are you talking about the Search Tool plugin? Did you make sure it is enabled?

RE: File Browser Sidebar - Added by Leo D Monkey about 10 years ago

Search tool is enabled...but before i could browse the folders in audacious sidebar .. and drag then into my playlist... this is not working anymore.

RE: File Browser Sidebar - Added by John Lindgren about 10 years ago

I'm not familiar with the sidebar you are referring to. There has never been a file browser sidebar shipped with upstream Audacious. If it was a third-party plugin, maybe it needs to be updated for the current Audacious version.
