


How can I save a playlists a *.m3u file?

Added by Peter Steiner about 9 years ago

I wonder how I can store Playlists in the well known *.m3u format?

Export does not work.

If there is really only a proprietary foobar format: How can I save the playlist as ONE (!) file?

Where (in which) are playlist information stored?


Replies (4)

RE: How can I save a playlists a *.m3u file? - Added by Thomas Lange about 9 years ago

Simply add a supported file extension, see this thread:
If it still fails, make sure the playlist plugin is enabled (File->Settings->Plugins->Playlist).

Internally playlists are saved under "~/.config/audacious/playlists/".

RE: How can I save a playlists a *.m3u file? - Added by Peter Steiner about 9 years ago

@Thomas Lange

Hmm, your answers are confusing me.

Yes all type of Plugins are enabled

Then I created in Menu

Playlist-->Playlist Manager

a new playlist called


and dragged a couple of *.mp3 s on it.

Then I exit Audacious.

Now I tried to find this testplaylist.m3u file on my partition(s).
But I was not able.

It is neither in installation folder of Audacious (under 64bit Win7) nor in
nor in

Where is it?

Do I have to manually save the playlist content at first before exit?
How do I do a save?


RE: How can I save a playlists a *.m3u file? - Added by John Lindgren about 9 years ago

You need to add the .m3u extension to the playlist file name in the Export Playlist dialog (Playlist menu -> Export), not to the playlist title in the Playlist Manager. And it's better not to mess around with the internally stored playlists; they are not in M3U format anyway.

This will be somewhat less confusing in Audacious 3.7 since the Export Playlist dialog will have a drop-down list to select the export format.

RE: How can I save a playlists a *.m3u file? - Added by Peter Steiner about 9 years ago

Ok, thank you. It works now.

Disappointingly there seems no AUTOMATIC save to *.m3u playlist at Audacious exit.
Could you add this feature in the next release?

Furthermore I observed that the pathes in *.m3u playlist are always ABSOLUTE e.g.


In addition there is an unnecessary "file:///" prepended.

But much more important is that the pathes are not RELATIVE:
Since I put my music on an USB flash drive and run it on various computers the drive could change.

So when I put the .m3u playlist into


then the pathes should be relative


This relative storage should be possible in manual and automatic playlist save/export.

Can this be added in the next version too?

Thank you
