


Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist

Added by Dave B almost 9 years ago

I've tried about every mediaplayer available for Linux but keep coming back to Audacious. A few things that bug me is every time I add some new music files, I have to create a new playlist and add the parent folder. The other thing is I wish it had a VLC type library where I could just click through the folders and quickly find something instead of constantly adding playlists and such. Audacious really needs a better way to display, organize, and automatically update media folders.

Replies (8)

RE: Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist - Added by John Lindgren almost 9 years ago

Have you even tried using the library function in Audacious? Don't ask for new features until you've tried what's there.

RE: Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist - Added by Dave B almost 9 years ago

Yes, I've tried it... But with a very large music library it's hard to weed through hundreds of songs. Is there a way to have it show folders with the ability to collapse/expand folders/subfolders like VLC? My music files are organized by Artist/Album/Flac or /MP3 folders. Perhaps I haven't found the magic setting yet? I want to only use Audacious, but this bugs me about it.

RE: Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist - Added by Evgen Whatever almost 9 years ago

Looks like Dave wants album player interface like in "1by1", "Boom", "Resonic" for Windows. I'd love it too. At least something like "DeaDBeeF Filebrowser plugin" would be nice.

RE: Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist - Added by John Lindgren almost 9 years ago

To me, a folder view in a music player seems redundant. File managers already have this, and with a decent file manager it's easy enough to set up a "Play in Audacious", "Add to Audacious playlist", or even "Create new playlist in Audacious" command in the context menu.

RE: Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist - Added by Evgen Whatever almost 9 years ago

@ Jonh
Yeah, I've got your point, context menu could really help. But drag'n'drop in a single window is far better :) I'd really prefer folder browser over library categories. While "Artist", "Albums" and "Year" could be useful, stuff like "Genres" IMHO is obsolete nowadays (when some bands could change their style in a few years, some mix different genres and you can't really define it with one word, etc.). Unfortunately for now "Search Tool"/Library can't replaces nor "File Browser", nor "Library" (where you can actually select categories and browse their content).
How can I add "Create new playlist in Audacious"? Command "audacious -E" just opens file in "Now Playing" (version 3.6.2 from "ppa:nilarimogard/webupd8" repository).

RE: Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist - Added by John Lindgren almost 9 years ago

audtool new-playlist will do it.

RE: Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist - Added by Evgen Whatever almost 9 years ago

Thank you. It works with command:
audtool --new-playlist & audacious e %F
The only thing that before executing command player needs to be run.

Back on-topic:
Currently for drag'n'drop I'm using 2 windows: file manager with folder-tree sidebar and compact view list (thunar, pcmanfm) and audacious with "always on top" window. That's somehow similar to folder-players.

RE: Library Scan Updater And VLC Like Playlist - Added by Evgen Whatever almost 9 years ago

^ Messed up with tags, strike unintentional.
