


Edition of Tags in Audio Files

Added by Pascual Lucero over 12 years ago


I have experienced the following problem with Audacious. When I see file information (it shows Artist, Title, Album, Comment) and try to edit some tags, the following problems have occurred to me:

- I cannot change the data in some mp3 files (it says "Metadata update failed", even if the files have the right permissions to read, write and execute.

- In some cases, it says "metadata changed successfully", but when I open the file in another player (e.g, Winamp in Windows, or any player in Linux), the change is not shown. The same happens if I try to edit tags using EasyTag or puddletag, I don't see the changes I made using Audacious. Looks like the tag is only saved for Audacious.

Any help on this would be appreciated. Thanks!

Replies (3)

RE: Edition of Tags in Audio Files - Added by Todd Dreadmeat over 12 years ago

my easytag tagged files appear fine in audacious here.
i never edit files using audacious.

RE: Edition of Tags in Audio Files - Added by Pascual Lucero over 12 years ago

Yes, precisely the problem is why tags edited with Audacious doesn't always appear when you open the same files with standard tag editors and why you can't edit tags in some files.

RE: Edition of Tags in Audio Files - Added by John Donovan over 10 years ago

In the old days of WinAmp ('90s), two versions of id3tags could be shown in the WinAmp tagEditor, and duplicating old version (right-side) tagging onto newer (left-side) [or vice versa] could be done with [respective] keystroke.

" I think we're not in Kansas anymore, Toto." - Kid w/dog, in Oz

Sad, but these days, there are even more versions of mp3id3tags (four types?).

So, whichever version of tag Audacious is programmed to write is arbitrary.
To normalise, just use a full-function tag editor to discern Audacious tagging
versus rest-of-your-collection and use whatever auto-populate tool to write both kinds of tags.
