


Problem with Unity

Added by Richard Andrews about 8 years ago

Got a problem with Audacious in the latest Ubuntu 16.04 release. I cannot access the menu, it shows in the Unity bar at the top but nothing happens when I select anything!

Replies (3)

RE: Problem with Unity - Added by John Lindgren about 8 years ago

Report a bug to Unity. They use a hacked-up version of GTK to implement the system-wide menu bar (as far as I know). I'm not surprised it broke.

RE: Problem with Unity - Added by Richard Andrews about 8 years ago

Not very good for a 'Flagship' Linux Distro is it? I'm thinking of wiping it off my drive as soon as Mint 18 is released.

RE: Problem with Unity - Added by John Lindgren about 8 years ago

It really seems like nobody bothered to test any GTK2 programs in 16.04 before the release, at least in Unity. Presumably the MATE and XFCE flavors have better GTK2 support.
