


Distorted sound with mpg123 plugin

Added by Vladimir Vladimir about 6 years ago

I hear distorted high pitch sound using mpg123 input plugin at least with mp3 http streams. If I use mpg123 directly to play the same stream, audio is perfectly fine. As well if I use ffmpeg plugin audio is not distorted. I'd switch to ffmpeg, but only with mpg123 plugin I can see the current song information... I'd appreciate any suggestions. Currently I'm using the latest 3.10 version.

Replies (5)

RE: Distorted sound with mpg123 plugin - Added by John Lindgren about 6 years ago

It would help if you gave a link to one such stream.

RE: Distorted sound with mpg123 plugin - Added by John Lindgren about 6 years ago

Both streams play fine here with the mpg123 plugin. It's hard to say what the cause of the problem on your system might be.

RE: Distorted sound with mpg123 plugin - Added by Vladimir Vladimir about 6 years ago

The sound distortion is not so bad that you hear it instantly, but if you disable mpg123 plugin and enable only ffmpeg,,, I definitely hear it.

RE: Distorted sound with mpg123 plugin - Added by Håkon Alstadheim almost 6 years ago

Interesting. Had the same problem, sounds like some kind of clipping or quantization noise. Disabled mpg123, problem fixed. I'm on gentoo so I recompiled mpg123 with -fno-strict-aliasing, and the problem is gone. (Yes, I re-enabled mpg123 to test ) . Checked again without that option and the problem is back. Think we can say for certain that the problem is not with audacious, but with compiler options used on mpg123.
