


Missing checkbox and tray

Added by Michal Teleky over 4 years ago

Hello there
I ran into a bit annoying problem. The internal file manager of audacious missing a checkbox (opening after ctrl+o), namely "do not close when a file is opened". Annoying because I like manually select my music and always opening the internal file manager is annoying. Also the tray with buttons went missing. Screenshots with mouse cursors for clarity.

Any suggestions?

PS: English is not my first language.

Replies (2)

RE: Missing checkbox and tray - Added by John Lindgren over 4 years ago

The "do not close" checkbox has not been implemented in the Qt interface yet. As an alternative, you could use an external file manager.

I added a workaround for 4.0.2 to make sure that the toolbar (what you call the tray) is always visible after a restart. Do you remember what you did that made it "go missing" in the first place? It would be nice to also prevent that.

RE: Missing checkbox and tray - Added by Michal Teleky over 4 years ago

Thank you for the answers. And no, I don't remember.
