


Where is playlist search in version 4?

Added by Dimo K over 4 years ago

I have just upgraded to version 4.0.1 from 3 something and I must say I am a bit confused because of the changed UI. What bothers me most is that I can't find a way to search for a track in the playlist. In version 3 a search dialog appeared upon pressing "J" key, but now I can't open it, nor can I find it anywhere in the menus.

So how do I search? I have thousands of tracks and without being able to find the one I want, Audacious becomes completely useless to me.

Thanks in advance!

Replies (5)

RE: Where is playlist search in version 4? - Added by John Lindgren over 4 years ago

Playlist -> Find, or Control+F

RE: Where is playlist search in version 4? - Added by Dimo K over 4 years ago

Ok, so the keyboard shortcut is different. As I understand, it is not possible to customize it, right? So, where can I see the possible shortcuts? Is there a readme file or a documentation somewhere?

And the reason I did not see it was because it is missing from the Winamp interface that I usually use. Or is it somewhere else? If not, shall I open a feature request? I need it a lot.

RE: Where is playlist search in version 4? - Added by John Lindgren over 4 years ago

You can open a feature request if you like, but I don't know of any core developers who have shown interest in working on the Winamp Classic interface in the past few years.

You can continue using an --enable-gtk build for now, as suggested in the release notes, or try to find a developer with interest and time to work on the Qt port of the Winamp Classic interface. Or you could try getting used to the primary Qt interface instead.

RE: Where is playlist search in version 4? - Added by John Lindgren over 4 years ago

Keyboard shortcuts are currently not configurable. You can see pretty much all of them by flipping through the menus.

RE: Where is playlist search in version 4? - Added by Dimo K over 4 years ago

Alright, thanks for clarifying all!
