


Audacious 4.0.4 Missing features Jump To / Search Song (File)

Added by Edgar Guzman about 4 years ago


I just wanted to inform that i just re-installed arch linux on my pc. I've been using audacious since 2016 when i discovered it and i love it. The audacious version i was running before re-installing arch was 3.10.1, i also use audacious on windows same version (the latest for windows by the way) and the features i like the most are:

*Jump to (Min:sec) when playing a song - Shortcut is -> Ctrl + j
*Find song - Shortcut is -> j

However when i installed audacious with pacman, it installed the latest version 4.0.4 and then i noticed the features mentioned are missing.

I uninstalled audacious 4.0.4 to compile and install the version 3.10.1 with the features i'd like to use but then i got a missing file error.
I tried with older versions and no luck, i had no other choice but to use the latest version that pacman installs.

I don't know if the features were removed or it is a bug.

I'm using Arch linux with plasma.
Display manager : sddm.
Desktop enviroment: Plasma 5
With Xorg-server

I apologize if this thread is duplicated but i did not find any thread related to this.

Thanks in advance for your replies.


Replies (4)

RE: Audacious 4.0.4 Missing features Jump To / Search Song (File) - Added by Edgar Guzman about 4 years ago

I forgot to mention i use Winamp Interface.

RE: Audacious 4.0.4 Missing features Jump To / Search Song (File) - Added by John Lindgren about 4 years ago

These features have not been ported to the Qt Winamp Classic interface yet.

You can either downgrade to 3.10.1 (but use the Arch Linux Archive, rather than compiling by hand) or use makepkg to rebuild 4.0.4 with GTK support. Either way, you should be using pacman to install, not installing manually; that's probably why you got an error about missing

RE: Audacious 4.0.4 Missing features Jump To / Search Song (File) - Added by Edgar Guzman about 4 years ago

I did what you say and worked like a charm!

I wasn't even aware of downgrading packages with Arch Linux Archive but now i am.

Now i run audacious 3.10.1 and everything's ok.

Thank you John Lindgren, also thanks for the quick and concrete reply.

RE: Audacious 4.0.4 Missing features Jump To / Search Song (File) - Added by zol zol about 4 years ago

John Lindgren wrote:

These features have not been ported to the Qt Winamp Classic interface yet.

Do you know when "jump to" feature will be ported? In the 4.x line in the near future or is it longer time away?
